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Unraveling the Mystery: The Astonishing Tale of the 700-Pound Sea Serpent

Nov 27, 2024

2 min read



On October 19, 1907, the San Francisco Call and Post captured the nation's attention with a remarkable report of a colossal sea serpent. This fierce-looking beast, weighing around 700 pounds, resembled a colossal snake, captivating the minds of journalists, scientists, and the public. The tale not only set imaginations ablaze but also raised questions about the visitors lurking beneath the waves.

Giant sea serpent
The San Francisco Call and Post Oct 20, 1907

Speculation and Theories

Following the sighting, a wave of speculation took hold. Marine biologists proposed theories ranging from a giant eel to an unclassified species, perhaps a massive sea snake. Some cryptozoologists even suggested it could be a remnant from the age of dinosaurs, stirring excitement for the possibility of discovering living fossils.

Interestingly, the historian's perspective connected the sighting to ancient tales across cultures. Creatures resembling sea serpents appear in the mythology of various societies, including the Norse Jörmungandr and the biblical Leviathan. The fascination with these legends reminds us of our deep-rooted fears and curiosities about the unknown.

A 1900s illustration of a giant sea serpent frightening fishermen at sea.
Artists impression of the 700-pound sea serpent sighting.

Another Sea Serpent in Japan?

Sea Serpent
San Francisco Call September 16, 1902

Below is the article shown above:

Comes to the Fore With News of the Capture of Two Ocean Monsters.
VICTORIA, B. C, Sept. 16.— The Osaka Rlainchl and other Japanese papers received by the steamer Empress of India to-day report the capture of sea serpents in Kochi Prefecture. The arrival in Osaka on August SO of the bones of two monster sea serpents to be exhibited has given rise to the publication of the circumstances of their alleged capture.
Fishermen of Saga Maru were engaged in catching the buri when they discovered something heavy entangled in the nets. When they endeavored to pull the nets shoreward a sea serpent arose above the water. The fishermen, who were taken aback for a time, poured bullets into the monster from the guns they had with them. Shortly after this serpent had been killed another serpent, apparently a female companion of the first, came dashing through the waves toward the boat, apparently enraged at the slaughter of its mate. The men also killed the second serpent. The male serpent measured about fortyeight feet and the female thirty-nine feet. Within the latter were found what proved to be the bones of a human being who evidently had been swallowed by the serpent. It is believed that the serpents were carried to the Tosa Sea by tha kuroshio, which appeared to have temporarily incapacitated their free movement.
The flesh of the serpents was removed, salted and brought to Osaka, The heads of the two serpents are said to weigh 320 kwane. They have forty-four fangs each, the longest measuring seven inches. They also have ears about two feet long and a horn on the forehead two feet two inches in length. The showman who bought the carcasses proposes to take them, to Tokio to submit them to imperial inspection.

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